The last thing on the list has been checked off. Brinley did great with her port removal surgery. When she woke up and saw it was gone, groggy as she was, the biggest smile spread accross her face and her feet started kicking. We didn't have time to do the echocardiogram, we will do it next month. Those of you who have followed this journey for a while will know what I mean when I say that from here on out, a fever will just be a fever!! Break out the tylenol and take care of it! And from the queen of fevers, Brinley, that will be wonderful!! No more ER trips with $250 copays!!

Getting ready for surgery, wearing her tu-tu the nurses gave her on her last chemo day.


Leaving the hospital, still pretty groggy.

She's feeling pretty good this morning, I think she will recover pretty quickly. She already asked to have a friend over, I told her she probably should let her body rest a little before we start that. I love that we are done with this. So, so happy.


Anonymous said...

Brinley is such a brave and strong and delightful little girl♥♥ Way to "kick cancer's butt" sweet Brinley!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Chelsea said...

YAY for no more port! You guys have been through so much and I am so glad you are to the end! Sometimes it seems like a fever will never just be a fever again for us, but reading this reminds me that that day WILL come. LOVE to you all! XOXOXO

Amanda said...

I can't wait for the day when I fever is just a fever. CONGRATULATIONS on the finally step to beating this nasty cancer. We love you guys!